Intelligent management of building infrastructure through Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing and the Internet of Things.

We are a startup specialized in engineering solutions, with a cloud platform and non-proprietary sensing through the Internet of Things. We develop bots (software) to improve the efficiency of building infrastructure management. Moka Building is connection, simplicity and result. It’s your building infrastructure as smart as your business.

We combine online technology with the offline world experience. In other words, the digital world engineering with people’s lives.

You receive information already interpreted by bots. And you hire it as easily as you cancel it, without fine or bureaucracy.

More efficiency. More economy. Greater team integration. Faster and more assertive decision making.

artificial intelligence moka mind solutions mobile



decision making

Reduction of
operation and
maintenance costs

Greater feeling
of comfort

More assertive

Better risk

Predictability of energy use and consumption

Our AI delivers usage tips and automated actions in environments where comfort, efficiency and economy are indispensable. Access to information is simple and intuitive through the Moka Building app on your smartphone, cloud dashboards or via Telegram/WhatsApp, etc. If you prefer, you don’t even need to search for the information. Our bots will send you tips and notifications wherever you are.

Easy to hire. Easy to use. Easy to save.

Moka Building is a service that you can hire and cancel whenever you want. A monthly fee is charged and the cancellation can be done without penalty or fee. The MB can be connected to any existing local automation solution. Because it’s in the cloud, you don’t need to invest in equipment to host the software. In addition, you can access it from anywhere through an app, customize it however you want, and updates are automatic.








Contact us and find out how your infrastructure can be as smart as your business.

    2421, Paulista Avenue

    01310-300 São Paulo SP Brazil

    Contact us and find out how your infrastructure can be as smart as your business.

      Phone +55 11 3872-1011
      2421, Paulista Avenue
      01310-300 São Paulo SP Brazil